Many parts of our community have been severely hit by flooding. The damage to many homes, properties, and businesses has been devastating. It’s impossible to replace much of what has been lost but support is being made available to help our community get through these difficult times. Please find below helpful links to check eligibility and apply for assistance. Please also find below other useful links including road closures.


Australian Government Disaster Recovery Payment (AGDRP)

The Australian Government Disaster Recovery Payment is a lump sum payment of $1,000 for eligible adults and $400 for eligible children who have been adversely affected by a major disaster.

Individuals may be eligible for the payment if they meet all of the following criteria:

  •  They are an Australian resident or hold an eligible visa,
  • They are at least 16 years of age at the time of the disaster event,
  • They have been adversely impacted by a major disaster.

Australian Government Disaster Recovery Allowance (DRA)

The Disaster Recovery Allowance is a short-term income support payment to assist individuals who can demonstrate their income has been affected as a direct result of a disaster.

When available, DRA assists employees, small business persons and farmers who experience a loss of income as a direct result of a major disaster. It is payable for a maximum of 13 weeks from the date at which an individual has, or will have, a loss of income as a direct result of a disaster.

Individuals may be eligible for assistance if they meet all of the following criteria:

  • They are an Australian resident or the holder of an eligible visa and living in Australia for the period of time they receive the allowance,
  • They are at least 16 years of age, or older and not a dependent child,
  • They earn, or receive an income by working in an affected area or reside in an affected area,
  • They have experienced a loss of income as a direct result of the disaster,
  • They are not receiving another income support payment or pension (such as Age Pension, JobSeeker Payment, Youth Allowance, service pension from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, or Exceptional Circumstances Income Relief Payment) for the same period they are claiming DRA, and
  •  Their income is less than the average Australian weekly income in the weeks after they had this income loss. 


Apply for Pine Rivers Community Flood Relief


Queensland Government Emergency Hardship assistance


Moreton Bay Regional Council – Weather Impacted Roads


Queensland Road Closures


Salvation Army – Disaster recovery and emergency services


SES assistance – non-life threatening flood emergency assistance


Dam release update SEQ Water 


Support the Mini Farm Project by purchasing a Rescue Box.   

The Mini Farm Project farm are local not-for-profit providing food to those in need. Their farm at Millen Farm in Samford Valley suffered significant losses of produce and they are seeking help from the community.

Rather than asking for donations, they are asking for the community to buy a Farm Rescue Produce Box to help fund the next 4 weeks whilst the farmers fix the beds and sow seeds and seedlings.

They will deliver your Rescue Box full of fresh goodies grown on the farm in 8-10 weeks to your door.

Click to purchase.