International drug syndicates hoping to exploit Australia’s remote coastline will be detected, their missions disrupted and their mules locked up.
Rusty boats from Asia on meth missions to peddle the misery of drug addiction in our country are on notice – they are being watched by our law enforcement agencies and will be relentlessly pursued to face the full force of our laws.
We welcome today’s confirmation from law enforcement agencies in Western Australia that a $200 million methamphetamine importation will never reach our streets.
The Commonwealth-State WA Joint Organised Crime Taskforce (JOCTF) was established under the Coalition Government, and this crime-fighting model is being rolled out across the nation.
It is yet another firm example of the Coalition’s investment to detect and disrupt the supply of ice.
This is the biggest methylamphetamine seizure in Western Australian this year, and the biggest since the seizure of more than 320kg in September 2015.
Six Malaysian nationals aged between 24 and 54-years-old and eight Chinese nationals aged between 37 and 56years-old are expected to face commercial drug importation offences.
Australia is a lucrative market for international crime gangs because of the high price drug users pay.
The Coalition has a $300 million plan to tackle the scourge of ice – a plan that combats supply and demand. Since coming to Government we have also restored investment to the law enforcement agencies that Labor savagely cut.