Subjects: The Coalition’s $400,000 commitment for improved lighting and safety in Kooyong.
It’s great to be here in Kooyong today with Peter Dutton, who’s come to visit us and to announce $400,000 for the Malvern Cricket Ground and the lighting here.
I’ve knocked on thousands of doors over the last few months.
What I’ve heard from people repeatedly – and, especially from younger women – is they don’t feel safe coming out at night here. This is a fantastic park where, as you can see, we’ve got lots dogs and people love to come and walk their dogs at night. What I want is young women to be able to feel safe to come here at night – and that’s what we’re going to do.
So, Peter, it’s absolutely terrific to have you here.
Terrific. Thank you.
Amelia, thank you very much. I want to say thank you to all of the club members and the local community members who have come out to see us today. This is an iconic park and it’s a huge part of the local community, but it needs to be a safe part of the local community.
Amelia Hamer has been out doorknocking, meeting with local residents, working really hard here in Kooyong. One of the key messages she’s heard, as she pointed out, was that people want a place where they can feel safe, and for people who are walking their dogs after work or very early in the morning during winter, we want to make sure that there is a safe place for them to do that, particularly for women walking their dogs and enjoying a public facility like this.
We’ve listened to those concerns of the local community, and I’m pleased to announce today that under our Safer Communities Programme, if we’re elected next election, we will provide $400,000 for lighting for this particular oval, and I think that will be transformational in terms of its usage and it will provide a safer environment for the local community.
So, Amelia, well done. It’s a great thing you’ve advocated for, and to everyone who’s here today, it sends a number of messages – not only do we want safety, but we also want participation in sport and activity in the local community. It provides better health outcomes, it provides better connectivity within a community as well, and I’m really proud that we’re able to make the announcement here today.
So, thank you all very much. Thank you.