Members of the ex-service community in Dickson will benefit with the Australian Flying Corps and Royal Australian Air Force Association, Queensland Division Incorporated (the Association) receiving funding through the latest round of the Australian Government’s Veteran and Community Grants (V&CG) program, announced today.
Federal Member for Dickson Peter Dutton today announced that the Association will receive $6,000 to undertake a series of bus trips to help reduce social isolation of members.
“In my electorate of Dickson there are hundreds of veterans and their families, and programs such as this help them to continue to live a health and independent lifestyle—something of incredible importance with the current coronavirus pandemic,” Mr Dutton said.
“This funding not only supports local veterans and their families, but has a growing effect within our communities, by supporting local employment and businesses.
“Congratulations to the successful applicants for this round and thank you for the ongoing support that you offer to the veteran community.”
The V&CG program aims to help local ex-service organisations, veterans groups, community and private organisations deliver projects that promote a healthy and independent lifestyle.
More than $480,000 in grants were awarded through this round and the grants offer will be available for the initial 12 month period, however if the organisation requires more time to complete their project due to coronavirus, the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) will consider extending the length of the agreement on a case-by-case basis.
This flexibility will ensure all of the successful organisations can deliver their projects within a reasonable timeframe and continue to deliver great support their local veteran community.
To find out more information visit the Veteran and Community Grants program page on the DVA website or visit the Community Grants Hub.