The Moreton Bay Regional Prostate Cancer Support Group had its first meeting at Redcliffe Hospital in August 2012 and will be 10 years old at August 2022. Fred Travis was the foundation leader and still acts as President but he now has a great committee to assist with all manner of activities such as treasury, media, social activity, membership, expos, speaker acquisition, newsletters, mailing, induction officers for new men and partners and a minute officer.
The group left the Redcliffe Hospital in 2018 for a new venue at the Health Precinct at North Lakes in order to provide a more central location for all members throughout the Moreton Bay region. The group had to move again in 2020 as the rooms at the Health Precinct were taken over for clinical services during the COVID outbreak. We’re now paying tenants of the new YMCA building at Mango Hill.
The group concentrates on providing a great variety of medical, age-related and topical issue talks at general meetings and having great social activities comprising morning teas, breakfasts, lunches, picnics and excursions.
Our vision is for prostate cancer awareness by reaching out and attracting men throughout the Moreton Bay region who are not getting the necessary medical checks before it’s too late.
Our Mission is to assist men in contacting other prostate cancer survivors for an exchange of treatment journey information without giving specific medical advice, and to provide an atmosphere that dispels the depression often accompanying diagnosis and treatments associated with the disease.
Partners are welcomed and those who regularly attend monthly meetings are given voting rights. Our social activities are planned by a social director and her committee.
Our activities and operating needs are supported through Bunnings barbecues, when available, and the Redcliffe Hospital annual Fun Runs. We have donated funds to RBWH Foundation, Redcliffe Hospital, Beyond Blue, Black Dog and also various other charitable organisations who provide speakers.
The group has succession planning in place to make sure that any changes in personnel are covered to ensure the group continues to operate. It has its own manual of operating procedures, its own phone, its own email, its own Facebook page and its own website.
The group also has its own constitution and strategic plan and has recently been registered as a charity by the Australian Charities and not for profits commission and is recognized for charity tax concessions by the Australian Tax Office.
The group has a library of useful literature as well as its own brochures and has also provided awareness talks to various groups such as Lyons, Rotary and Men Sheds.
After the demise of the Brisbane support group in 2016, we are probably the second largest support group in Queensland and are now attracting men from various Brisbane suburbs.